Continuous Improvement vs Agile: What's the Difference and How Do They Work Together in Software Development

July 26, 2021

Continuous Improvement vs Agile: What's the Difference and How Do They Work Together in Software Development

When it comes to software development, many methodologies can be used to create products. Two popular approaches are continuous improvement and agile development. But what's the difference between these two methodologies, and how can they work together?

Continuous Improvement

Continuous improvement is a methodology that focuses on gradually improving an existing process with small changes over time. It's a process of making incremental improvements to a product, process or service. Continuous Improvement is also known as Kaizen in Japanese, which means 'good change.'

This approach aims to eliminate waste, minimize defects, and improve quality, ultimately improving the customer's satisfaction. Continuous improvement is an essential element of Lean management, which is the methodology used in manufacturing.

Agile Development

Agile development is a software development methodology that emphasizes work done in short, iterative cycles called sprints. Agile development is based on the Agile Manifesto, which was written in 2001 by a group of software developers.

The Agile Manifesto emphasizes customer satisfaction, collaboration, and flexibility. Agile development is designed to empower teams to make real-time decisions and to adapt quickly to changing requirements. Agile development is known for its emphasis on feedback and transparency.

Differences between Continuous Improvement and Agile Development

Continuous improvement and agile development have several differences in their approach to development. Continuous improvement is focused on improving existing processes, while agile development is about creating a new product or feature. Continuous improvement aims to maximize the value of the existing process or product, while Agile development focuses on customer satisfaction.

Another difference between these two methods is the scope of change. Continuous improvement focuses on making small, incremental changes to existing processes over time, whereas Agile development makes significant changes in a short amount of time, with emphasis on testing and feedback.

How They Work Together

Although continuous improvement and agile development are different, they work well together in software development. Agile methodology provides the flexibility and room for experimentation, while continuous improvement helps to ensure the quality and stability of the product.

Agile development can help teams create and innovate quickly, while continuous improvement ensures that the effort has long-term value. This partnership can help teams build better products, as well as improve their work processes.


Continuous Improvement and Agile Development are both popular methodologies used in software development. Both approaches have their strengths and weaknesses, and they can work very well together. Continuous improvement emphasizes the value of making small, incremental changes in existing processes or products, while agile development emphasizes creating new products or features.

By using both methodologies together, software development teams can create better products and improve their work processes over time.


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